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The suspects made off with a Samsung cell phone, a gold chain, and a replicas Gucci belt from the victim. All three then ran back to the Charger and sped off north on Franklin Avenue.

The 18-year-old Nelson Shore Road man told cops he’d stowed his backpack in the men’s locker around 4 p.m. When he came back just over an hour later, the backpack was there, but his $600 Gucci belt review and a one hundred dollar bill were both gone, police said.

Reading this is like watching a car wreck in high definition slow motion – the car in question being a custom-made Rolls-Royce refurbished in 2013 Gucci belt, driven by a man in a white mink coat, on his way home from a $100,000 spending spree at Versace, out of his mind on cocaine and Dom Pérignon. As Tyson writes

